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Categories of Membership


Access to facilities: no restrictions
Waiting period: approximately 8 to 9 years from time of first application.


Access to facilities: no grass court tennis, hard court access restricted to night play Monday to Friday from 6pm to 10pm only when the grass courts are closed.
When the grass courts are open restricted members can use the hardcourts at any time including weekends.
Only intra club competition tennis.
Waiting period: approximately 2 to 3 years from time of first application.

Junior: Age 13 - 21

Access to facilities: no restrictions, supervision may be required in some areas.
Waiting period: approximately 5 to 6 years from time of first application.
Children can join the waiting list at any age but are not eligible for membership until the age of 13.


Access to facilities: no restrictions
Waiting period: 1 to 2 years from time of first application.
An individual must live further than 80km as the crow flies from the Melbourne GPO to be eligible for a Country Membership.

All waiting periods are estimates and based on recent trends, waiting periods may vary. Subscriptions quoted include GST.

Categories of Membership