Club Rules
26. Funds
27. Treasurer and Accounts
28. Auditor
29. Notice to Members
30. Liquor Control Act 1987 Provisions
31. Gambling
32. Seal
33. Custody and Inspection of Books and Records
34. Winding Up
35. Income and
(1) The funds of the Club shall be derived from the conduct of the affairs of the
Club including entrance fees, annual subscriptions, levies, donations, conduct of
tennistournaments, use of facilities and such other sources as Committee determines
and the Act, these Rules and the Statement of Purposes permit.
(2) All monies of the Club, unless otherwise authorised by the Committee, shall
be lodged in an account in the name of the Club with a bank or other financialinstitution
approved by the Committee.
(3) All cheques, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable
instruments or authorities must be signed by:
(a) The CEO and any of the officers of Committee; or
(b) any two of the officers of the Committee; or
(c) any officer of the Committee and an ordinary member of Committee authorised
by the Committee to do so; or
(d) any two persons duly authorised by the Committee.
(4) All payments shall be authorised by the Committee or by the CEO or such subcommittee
as the Committee shall appoint for that purpose.
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The Treasurer of the Club shall:
(a) collect and receive all moneys due to the Club and make all payments authorised
by the Club ;
(b) keep correct accounts and books showing the financial affairs of the Club with
full details of all receipts and expenditure connected with the activities of the
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(1) Subject to and for the purposes of Section 30B
of the Act the Committee shall each year at the meeting of the Committee next succeeding
the annual general meetingof the Club (which meeting of the Committee for the purpose
of this clause is herein referred to as “the prescribed meeting”) appoint
an Auditor who shall hold office until the prescribed meeting of the succeeding
year or until his successor is appointed and the Committee shall fix the remuneration
of the Auditor.
(2) The retiring Auditor shall be eligible for re-appointment at the prescribed
meeting. No person other than a retiring Auditor shall be capable of being appointed
Auditor at the prescribed meeting unless notice of an intention to nominate thatperson
to the office of Auditor has been given by a member of the Committee to the CEO
of the Club not less than fourteen (14) days before the prescribed meeting and in
the event of such notice the CEO shall send a copy of such notice to the members
of Committee not less than seven (7) days before the prescribed meeting.
(3) The Committee shall fill any casual vacancy in the office of Auditor and fix
the remuneration of any Auditor so appointed. Any Auditor appointed pursuant tothis
clause shall hold office until the prescribed meeting immediately succeeding such
(4) The Auditor shall audit the statement of accounts that is presented by the Treasurer
to the annual general meeting of the Club and shall perform such other duties as
shall be requested by the Committee.
(5) The Auditor may be removed from office at any time with the concurrence of a
three-fifths majority of the Voting Members present in person or proxy at a specialgeneral
meeting properly called for such purpose.
(6) If the Auditor is not appointed at the prescribed meeting in any year a special
meeting of Committee shall immediately be called for that purpose.
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Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein any notice, document or accounts
required to be given to a Member, by or on behalf of the Club under these Rules
maybe given by:
(a) delivering the notice to the Member personally; or
(b) sending it by prepaid post addressed to the Member at that Member's address
shown in the register of Members; or
(c) facsimile transmission; or
(d) electronic transmission.
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(1) No payment shall be made to any member of Committee or employee of the Club
by way of commission or allowance from the receipts of the Club for the sale and
disposal of liquor.
(2) No liquor shall be supplied to any person under eighteen years of age except
where any such person is accompanied by his or her spouse, being a person over the
age of 18 years or a parent or guardian and the liquor is sold or supplied for consumption
as part of a meal supplied on the Club’s premises.
(3) No minors shall be employed in the licensed premises of the Club other than:
(a) persons who are engaged in a training program in hospitality or in training
for the purposes of employment or work experience and are present on the licensed
premises in accordance with any conditions to which that program or training is
(b) persons employed in the licensed premises otherwise than in the supply of liquor;
(c) persons excepted by the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998.
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Save for any Calcutta Auction or any competition or raffles authorised by the Committee,
no gambling, betting or any form of gaming shall be permitted on the Club’s
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32. SEAL
(1) The Common Seal of the Club must be kept in the custody of the CEO.
(2) The Common Seal must not be affixed to any instrument except by the authority
of the Committee and the affixing of the Common Seal must be attested by the signatures
of any two of the persons comprising the officers of Committee and the CEO.
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Except as otherwise provided in these Rules:
(1) The CEO must keep in his or her custody or under his or her control all books,
documents and securities of the Club.
(2) Subject to the consent of Committee all or part of the accounts, books, securities
and any other relevant documents of the Club may be made available forinspection
by any Voting Member.
(3) Save as authorised by Committee a Member may not make a copy of any accounts,
books, securities and any other relevant documents of the Club.
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In the event of the Club being dissolved, the amount which remains after such dissolution
and the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall be transferred to any organisation
which has similar objects and which is exempt from income tax and which has rules
prohibiting the distribution of its assets and income to its members, such organisation
to be determined by the resolution of the Voting Members by a majority vote or,
in the absence of such a determination, by the Supreme Court.
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The assets and income of the Club shall be applied solely in furtherance of its
objectives and purposes and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly
to the members of the Club except as bona fide compensation for services rendered
or expenses incurred on behalf of the Club.
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