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Club Rules

12. Annual General Meetings and Election of the Committee
13. Special General Meetings
14. Notice of General Meetings
15. Quorum at General Meetings
16. Presiding at General Meetings
17. Adjournment of Meetings
18. Voting at General Meetings


(1) The Committee may determine the date, time and place of the annual general meeting of the Club and unless determined otherwise shall be in the month of October.

(2) The notice convening the annual general meeting must specify that the meeting is an annual general meeting.

(3) The ordinary business of the annual general meeting shall be to:

(a) confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting and any general meeting held since that meeting;

(b) elect to Committee those successful candidates pursuant to sub-rule (9) or those polling the highest number of votes in the ballot as certified pursuant to sub-rule (13). In the event of an equality of votes between candidates the meeting shall vote to choose by majority vote between the candidates;

(c) to receive from Committee the reports upon the transactions of the Club during the last preceding financial year; and

(d) to receive and consider the statements submitted by the Committee in accordance with Section 30(3) of the Act.

(4) The annual general meeting may conduct any special business of which notice has been given in accordance with these Rules.

(5) At least forty (40) clear days before the date fixed by Committee for holding the annual general meeting the CEO shall cause notice thereof to be posted in a prominent position in the Clubhouse. Such notice shall invite:

(a) Nominations of candidates for election as officers and ordinary members of the Committee;


(b) Notice of any motion to be submitted to such meeting in accordance with these Rules.

(6) A Member other than a Restricted Playing Member, an Absentee Member, a Senior Member, a Special Member, a Junior Member or Temporary Member may be nominated for only one position on Committee by two Members of the Club (other than a Restricted Playing Member, Absentee Member, Special Member, Temporary Member or Junior Member).

(7) Nominations for Committee and notices of motion under sub-rule (5) shall be given in writing to the CEO not less than twenty-eight (28) days prior to the date of the annual general meeting and signed in accordance with Regulations determined by Committee.

(8) The CEO must at least fourteen ( 14) clear days before the date of the annual general meeting, send a notice of such meeting to every Voting Member . The notice must state the place, date and time of the meeting and the nature of the business to be conducted at the meeting.

(9) If the number of the candidates nominated as officers and/or as ordinary members of the Committee does not exceed the respective vacancies then the ensuing annual general meeting shall elect the nominees.

(10) If the number of nominations for the Committee in accordance with these Rules exceeds the number of vacancies for any position on the Committee, the CEO shall, not later than eighteen (18) clear days before the date of the annual general meeting, forward by post a ballot paper to every Voting Member.

(11) The ballot paper shall be in such form approved by Committee or in the Regulations and shall contain:

(a) The number of the vacancies to be filled and whether as an officer of the Committee or an ordinary member of the Committee.

(b) The name of each candidate and such additional information concerning the candidate (including photographs) as Committee may determine.

(c) The name and address of the CEO for the return of the ballot paper.

(d) The time determined by Committee by which the ballot paper must be received by the CEO.

(e) Advice that no Member may vote otherwise than by ballot paper.

(f) Notice that any Unfinancial Member is ineligible to vote.

(12) Members may post or deliver ballot papers or deliver them in any way authorised by the Regulations to the CEO but only properly completed ballot papers received by the CEO by the closing date shall be valid.

(13) The procedure for conducting a ballot shall be as follows:

(a) Committee shall appoint from among the Members at least five (5) scrutineers other than the candidates for election and members of the Committee and there shall be delivered to the scrutineers all of the ballot papers for examination.

(b) The CEO will deliver the said ballot papers to the scrutineers no later than forty-eight (48) hours prior to the time fixed for the commencement of the annual general meeting.

(c) The scrutineers shall assess and count valid ballot papers and certify the result of such assessment to the Chairperson of the ensuing annual general meeting.

(d) The ballot papers shall after such use by the scrutineers be retained in safe custody by the CEO for a period of not less than six (6) months after the date of the relevant annual general meeting.

(14) If two or more candidates poll equal votes and less than that number are to be elected, the annual general meeting shall vote by a majority to choose between the candidates.

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(1) In addition to the annual general meeting, other general meetings may be held in the same year.

(2) All general meetings other than the annual general meeting are special general meetings.

(3) The Committee may, whenever it thinks fit, convene a special general meeting of the Club.

(4) If, but for this sub-rule, more than 15 months would elapse between annual general meetings, the Committee must convene a special general meeting before the expiration of that period.

(5) The Committee must, on the request in writing of more than one hundred (100) Voting Members, convene a special general meeting of the Club within sixty (60) days of receipt of such a request.

(6) The request for a special general meeting must –

(a) state the objects of the meeting; and

(b) give notice of any motion to be put to the meeting;

(c) be signed by each Member requesting the meeting;

(d) be sent to the address of the CEO.

(7) All business that is conducted at a special general meeting and all business that is conducted at the annual general meeting, except for business conducted under the rules as ordinary business of the annual general meeting, is deemed to be special business.

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(1) The CEO of the Club, at least 14 days, before the date fixed for holding a general meeting of the Club, must cause to be sent to each Voting Member of the Club, a notice stating the place, date and time of the meeting and the nature of the business

(2) If a special resolution is proposed to be passed then at least twenty one (21) days notice must be given to each Voting Member in accordance with these Rules specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution.

(3) Notices may be sent to Voting Members -

(a) by prepaid post; or

(b) by facsimile transmission or electronic transmission.

(4) No business other than that set out in the notice convening the meeting may be conducted at the meeting.

(5) A Member intending to bring any business before a general meeting must notify in writing, or by electronic transmission, the CEO of that business. The CEO must include that business in the notice calling the next general meeting.

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(1) No item of business may be conducted at a general meeting unless a quorum of Voting Members is present at the time when the meeting is considering that item.

(2) Forty (40) Voting Members personally present constitute a quorum for the conduct of the business of a general meeting.

(3) If, within half an hour after the appointed time for the commencement of a general meeting, a quorum is not present –

(a) in the case of a meeting convened upon the request of Voting Members – the meeting must be dissolved; and

(b) in any other case – the meeting shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and (unless another place is specified by the Chairperson at the time of the adjournment or by written notice to Voting Members given before the day to which the meeting is adjourned) at the same place.

(4) If at the adjourned meeting the quorum is not present within half an hour after the time appointed for the commencement of the meeting, the Voting Members personally present (being not less than 3) shall be a quorum.

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(1) The President, or in the President's absence, a Vice-President or the Treasurer, shall preside as Chairperson at each general meeting of the Club.

(2) If the President and all Vice-Presidents and the Treasurer are absent from a general meeting, or are unable to preside, the Members present must select an ordinary member of Committee or failing that a Member to preside as Chairperson.

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(1) The person presiding may, with the consent of a majority of Voting Members present at the meeting, adjourn the meeting from time to time and place to place.

(2) No business may be conducted at an adjourned meeting other than the unfinished business from the meeting that was adjourned.

(3) If a meeting is adjourned for 14 days or more, notice of the adjourned meeting must be given in accordance with Rule 14.

(4) Except as provided in sub-rule (3), it is not necessary to give notice of an adjournment or of the business to be conducted at an adjourned meeting.

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(1) Upon any question arising at a general meeting of the Club, a Voting Member has one vote.

(2) All votes must be given personally or by proxy.

(3) In the case of an equality of voting on a question, the Chairperson of the meeting is entitled to exercise a second or casting vote.

(4) An Unfinancial Member is not entitled to vote at a general meeting.

(5) If at a meeting a poll on any question is demanded by not less than five (5) Voting Members, it must be taken at that meeting in such manner as the Chairperson may direct and the resolution of the poll shall be deemed to be a resolution of the meeting on that question.

(6) A poll that is demanded on the election of a Chairperson or on a question of an adjournment must be taken immediately and a poll that is demanded on any other question must be taken at such time before the close of the meeting as the Chairperson may direct.

(7) If a question arising at a general meeting of the Club is determined on a show of hands, a declaration by the Chairperson at the meeting that a resolution has been –

(a) carried; or

(b) carried unanimously; or

(c) carried by a particular majority; or

(d) lost;

is evidence of the fact, without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of, or against, that resolution.

(8) Each Voting Member is entitled to appoint another Voting Member as a proxy by notice given to the CEO no later than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting in respect of which the proxy is appointed.

(9) The notice appointing the proxy shall be in the form as approved by Committee.

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