Club Rules
4. Classes of Membership
5. Admission of Members
6. Privileges and Responsibilities of Membership
7. Register of Members
8. Cessation of Membership
9. Discipline, Suspension and Expulsion of Members
10. Disputes and Mediation
11. Visitors
The Club shall consist of the following classes of Members:
(a) Honorary Life Members being persons who in the opinion of the Committee have
rendered exceptional services to the Club and/or the Association or conferred on
them some special benefit and who, upon the recommendation of the Committee, have
been elected as Honorary Life Members of the Club and/or the Association by a majority
of the Members present and entitled to vote at a General Meeting.
(b) Honorary over 50 Years Members being persons holding membership of the Club
and/or the Association for a period exceeding fifty (50) years.
(c) Playing Members being persons who are accepted as Playing Members in accordance
with these Rules and who have paid the entrance fee and annual subscription fixed
for Playing Members by Committee.
(d) Junior Members being persons aged not less than thirteen (13) years and not
more than twenty years (20) who have been accepted as Junior Members in accordance
with these Rules and who have paid the entrance fee and annual subscription fixed
for Junior Members by Committee.
(e) Country Members being persons whose principal place of residence is and remains
outside a radius of eighty kilometres from the General Post Office Melbourne (or
such other radius as Committee shall decide) and who have been accepted as Country
Members in accordance with these Rules and who have paid the entrance fee and annual
subscription fixed for Country Members by Committee.
(f) Restricted Playing Members being persons aged not less than twenty one years
who have been accepted as Restricted Playing Members in accordance with these Rulesand
who have paid the entrance fee and annual subscription fixed for Restricted Playing
Members by Committee.
(g) Absentee Members being Members resident outside Victoria who have applied for
and been approved by Committee as Absentee Members.
(h) Temporary Members being persons accepted as Temporary Members for such period
and on conditions as determined by Committee.
(i) Special Members being persons who, in the opinion of the Committee, have rendered
special service to the Club, to sport, or to the community in general. Such persons
are to be made Special Members on such terms and conditions as Committee may from
time to time determine.
(j) Senior Members being Members aged seventy-five (75) years of age or over and
who have been Members for more than twenty-five (25) years. Such persons may on
application be made Senior Members on such terms and conditions as Committee may
from time to time determine.
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Unless the Committee otherwise determines:
(a) A person may be proposed for membership of the Club by any Member and such proposal
shall be seconded by another Member (the Proposed and Seconder being Members of
not less than six years standing and not being Junior, Temporary, Special or Absentee
(b) A proposal for membership shall be in writing, signed by the proposer, the seconder
and the person proposed for membership and shall contain such information concerning
the person proposed for membership as the Committee may require.
(c) A person shall be entitled to membership of the Club if he or she has been proposed
and seconded in accordance with these Rules, accepted for a class of membership
by the Committee, and, subject to exemption granted by the Committee, paid the entrance
fee and annual subscription applicable to that class. An entry shall then be made
in the register of Members.
(d) Committee must notify the applicant for membership of his or her acceptance
or rejection as soon as practicable after a decision has been made.
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(1) Voting
(a) Subject to part (b) hereof, each Voting Member shall be entitled to attend and
vote in person or by proxy at a general meeting of the Club or to vote in any postal
(b) An Unfinancial Member being a Member who has not paid all monies then due to
the Club is not entitled to vote at a general meeting or in a postal ballot.
(c) Each Voting Member shall have one vote.
(2) Facilities
Subject to the Regulations, all Members (except Absentee Members) shall be entitled
to use the facilities of the Club.
(3) Entrance Fees Subscriptions and Levies
(a) Upon the acceptance by Committee of the proposal of a person for membership,
such person shall pay the entrance fee determined by Committee for the relevant
class of membership.
(b) All Members (except Honorary Life Members, Honorary Over 50 Years Members and
such Temporary Members as the Committee shall determine) shall pay such annual subscription
as Committee determines.
(c) All Members (except Honorary Life Members, and Honorary Over 50 Years Members)
shall pay such Levy as the Committee determines for the respective class of membership
of any Member provided always that no Levy shall exceed twenty per centum of the
current annual subscription in relation to any particular class of membership unless
such Levy shall have been approved by a majority of Voting Members present in person
or by proxy at a general meeting or voting in a postal ballot conducted for that
(d) Any person accepted for membership or renewing membership shall by virtue of
such acceptance or renewal be deemed to have agreed to be bound by these Rules,
the Regulations and the decisions of the Committee properly made in accordance with
these Rules.
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(a) The CEO must keep and maintain a register of Members containing for each Member
the name, address, occupation, date of election to membership and ceasing to be
a Member, the class of membership and date of the latest annual subscription payment.
The register must comply with any other requirements of the Act and the Liquor Control
Reform Act 1998.
(b) Subject to any Regulations made by the Committee and the provisions of any legislation
applicable thereto a Member shall be entitled to inspect the register of Members
but shall not, without the consent of the Committee, be permitted to make copies
of any part of it.
(c) It shall be the responsibility of each Member to advise the CEO of any error
in particulars recorded in the register regarding that Member.
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(a) A Member may notify the CEO in writing of his or her resignation and thereupon
that person shall cease to be a Member of the Club. Such resignation shall not relieve
any Member from the liability to pay to the Club any balance of entrance fee or
annual subscription (or a pro-rata share) or other money due or payable by him at
the time of such resignation. Any pro-rata share of a liability shall be determined
by Committee on receipt of such resignation and Committee’s determination
shall be conclusive.
(b) A Member who is expelled from the Club pursuant to Rule 9 hereof or fails to
pay the annual subscription or any monies owed by such person to the Club by the
date upon which such amount is due and payable shall, subject to any extension of
time that may be granted by Committee, cease to be a member of the Club.
(c) Membership of the Club is personal, cannot be transferred and ceases upon death
of the Member.
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(1) For the purposes of this Rule Committee may appoint a sub-committee of not less
than three (3) members of Committee with power to consider and act in accordance
with this Rule in respect of the conduct of any Member referred to it by the Committee.
(2) Subject to these Rules, if such sub-committee or the Committee is of the opinion
that a Member has breached and not remedied the breach or refused or neglected to
comply with these Rules or the Regulations, or has been guilty of conduct unbecoming
a Member or prejudicial to the interests of the Club, the subcommittee or the Committee
may, by resolution;
(a) reprimand the Member;
(b) fine the Member an amount not exceeding the annual subscription for Playing
Members fixed by the Committee.
(c) suspend the Member from membership or some of the privileges of membership of
the Club for a specific period;
(d) expel the Member from the Club.
(3) A Member shall not be reprimanded, fined, suspended or expelled unless;
(a) the Member has been given notice of the alleged misconduct.
(b) the Member has been given the opportunity to be heard by the subcommittee or
the Committee (as the case may be) and to present evidence in relation to the alleged
(4) A resolution of such sub-committee under sub-rule (2) does not come into effect
unless, by resolution, the Committee confirms such reprimand, fine, suspension or
(5) Notwithstanding any other provision in this Rule, no Member shall be expelled
from the Club unless:
(a) the Member has been given the opportunity of addressing a meeting of the Committee;
(b) the Committee, by a resolution of not less than three-quarters of its members,
resolves to expel the Member.
(6) A Member shall not be entitled to have legal representation at any meeting of
Committee or a sub-committee acting pursuant to this Rule.
(7) A decision made under this Rule to reprimand, fine, suspend or expel a Member
shall be final and there shall be no right of appeal therefrom.
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(1) The grievance procedure set out in this rule applies to disputes under these
Rules between –
(a) a Member and another Member; or
(b) a Member and the Club.
(2) The parties to the dispute must meet and discuss the matter in dispute, and,
if possible, resolve the dispute.
(3) If the parties are unable to resolve the dispute at the meeting, or if a party
fails to attend that meeting, then the parties may, within 10 days, hold a meeting
in the presence of a mediator.
(4) The mediator must be –
(a) a person chosen by agreement between the parties; or
(b) in the absence of agreement –
(i) in the case of a dispute between a Member and another Member, a person appointed
by the Committee of the Club; or
(ii) in the case of a dispute between a Member and the Club, a person who is a mediator
appointed or employed by the Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria (Department of
(5) A Member of the Club can be a mediator.
(6) The mediator cannot be a Member who is a party to the dispute.
(7) At a meeting held in accordance with Sub Rule 3 the parties to the dispute must,
in good faith, attempt to settle the dispute by mediation.
(8) The mediator, in conducting the mediation, must
(a) give the parties to the mediation process every opportunity to be heard; and
(b) allow due consideration by all parties of any written statement submitted byny
party; and
(c) ensure that natural justice is accorded to the parties to the dispute throughout
the mediation process.
(d) conduct a mediation on a strictly confidential basis unless otherwise agreed
by all the parties to the dispute.
(9) The mediator must not determine the dispute.
(10) If the mediation process does not result in the dispute being resolved, the
parties may seek to resolve the dispute in accordance with the Act or otherwise
at law.
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(1) The Committee may make Regulations regarding introduction by Members of visitors
to the Club.
(2) The names and addresses of all visitors and the name and membership number of
the Member by whom they are introduced shall be recorded in a form determined by
the Committee.
(3) A visitor shall not be supplied with liquor on the Club’s premises unless
in the company of an adult Member PROVIDED THAT a visitor (not in the company of
a Member) may be supplied with liquor on the Club’s premises at a particular
function or on a particular occasion in respect of which a permit has been granted
under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998.
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